Anne Deppe
Anne Deppe was born and raised in the German state of Hesse. After graduating and gaining experience as a permanent assistant to a food and still life photographer, Anne moved to Berlin in the summer of 2002 where she studied photo design. With her degree in hand, she worked as a production assistant and photo editor until 2007, when she started her own business as a photographer.Her enthusiasm for shapes, colors and materials of objects and furniture brought her to still life and interior photography. Anne gathers beautiful things in her images. Her favorite are those that have a story to tell. Sometimes they get to stay and get a place in her home.Anne's photos are full of compassion and playfulness. Her compositions are characterized by elegance and a high degree of graphic clarity. A keen sense of artful lighting brings her images to life.
Impressum / Kontakt
Webseitenbetreiber Jörg Höltje
Kronsaalsweg 70
22525 Hamburg
VAT_ID (USt.) DE274961513